
Unveiling the INFJ in Manga: A Look at Skip and Loafer and Blue Period


Hello, everyone. I love reading manga, especially those works that delve deeply into the inner worlds and delicate emotions of the characters. The manga I’m introducing today, Skip and Loafer and Blue Period, are perfect examples of such works. As I explored these stories, I found myself wondering, “Are these characters INFJs?” When I connected with them on an emotional level, I felt a deep resonance that made me reflect on myself. These characters beautifully express the complex emotions often associated with INFJs.

In this article, we will explore how characters like Sosuke Shima and Yuzuki Murashige from Skip and Loafer, and Yatora Yaguchi from Blue Period embody INFJ traits through their personalities and dialogues.

Overview and Synopsis

Synopsis of Skip and Loafer

Skip and Loafer follows the story of Mitsumi Iwakura, a girl from a rural town who moves to Tokyo to attend a prestigious high school. Initially, she struggles to adapt to her new environment, but with her bright and innocent personality, she gradually wins over the hearts of those around her. Mitsumi’s classmates, each with their own unique personalities, also begin to reflect on their lives and grow through their interactions with her.

Synopsis of Blue Period

Blue Period is a coming-of-age drama about Yatora Yaguchi, a high school student who discovers his passion for art. Despite excelling academically and being well-liked, Yatora feels a sense of emptiness in his daily life. His world changes dramatically when he encounters a painting that ignites his desire to enter Tokyo University of the Arts (Geidai), setting him on a challenging journey of self-discovery and artistic expression.

What Makes These Works Stand Out?

Skip and Loafer: The Beauty of Human Connections

The greatest charm of Skip and Loafer lies in its realistic and relatable portrayal of human relationships. Mitsumi’s awkward yet sincere nature influences those around her, leading to personal growth for both her and her classmates. The careful depiction of their worries and conflicts makes readers root for them as they navigate the complexities of adolescence. Misaki Takamatsu, the author, excels in capturing the subtle emotions of the characters, making their casual conversations and gestures resonate deeply with readers of all ages.

Blue Period: The Passion for Art

Blue Period captivates with its realistic portrayal of the pursuit of dreams and the world of art. Tsubasa Yamaguchi, the author and a graduate of Geidai, brings an authentic perspective to the art scenes, examination process, and student life, making the story incredibly immersive. Even if you’re new to the world of art, the protagonist’s journey of discovery makes the subject accessible and inspiring.

Are These Characters INFJs? A Closer Look at Skip and Loafer

Sosuke Shima


Sosuke Shima is a character characterized by his kindness and deep empathy. He is sensitive to the emotions of those around him and naturally reaches out to help when he sees someone in distress. With a calm demeanor, Sosuke rarely voices his opinions but is always keenly observing the situation. He carefully analyzes his surroundings and constantly contemplates the best course of action.

Impressions and Points of Empathy:

INFJs are known for their high levels of empathy, and Sosuke Shima embodies this trait perfectly. His kindness and deep emotional understanding align with the INFJ’s ability to intuitively support others. However, Sosuke’s character also reveals the complexity beneath his kindness. For instance, when he says, “Getting angry or upset requires being deeply involved with someone. I don’t have any interest, so anger doesn’t come to me, and I only said what Ujiie-kun seemed to want to hear,” it reflects a sense of detachment and possibly a deep-seated despair, which are traits often associated with INFJs.

As Sosuke interacts with Mitsumi, he begins to confront his own shallow feelings and the things he dislikes about himself, gradually opening his heart to her. His journey reflects the INFJ’s inner struggle with self-acceptance and emotional depth.

Yuzuki Murashige


Yuzuki Murashige is one of Mitsumi’s first friends at school. She is beautiful, a returnee from abroad, and initially struggles to fit in due to the preconceptions others have about her. Despite this, Yuzuki’s cheerful demeanor and deep self-awareness allow her to navigate her social environment with grace. Over time, she learns to be herself, thanks in part to her friendship with Mitsumi and others.

Impressions and Points of Empathy:

Yuzuki’s character is marked by a deep insight into both herself and others, a trait common among INFJs. She is acutely aware of how others perceive her, often grappling with the gap between her true self and the image others project onto her. Her interactions with her classmate Makoto, who initially finds her off-putting, gradually evolve into a deep mutual understanding, highlighting her ability to connect with others on a profound level.

Yuzuki’s story emphasizes the INFJ’s tendency to feel misunderstood and the emotional toll it can take, yet it also showcases their resilience and capacity for deep, meaningful relationships.

Are These Characters INFJs? A Closer Look at Blue Period

Yatora Yaguchi


Yatora Yaguchi, the protagonist of Blue Period, starts as a high-achieving student who excels academically but feels an underlying sense of emptiness in his life. He is charismatic, well-liked by his peers, and capable of fitting in with various social groups. However, his life takes a turn when he discovers a passion for art, leading him to pursue admission to Geidai, a prestigious art university.

Impressions and Points of Empathy:

From the very beginning, Yatora’s character resonates with INFJ traits. When he says, “The key to smooth human relationships is giving people the words they want to hear. Make their stories more interesting than your own. I don’t even know how to communicate any other way,” it highlights the INFJ’s tendency to prioritize harmony in relationships, sometimes at the cost of their own emotional needs.

Yatora’s journey in the art world is marked by challenges that many INFJs can relate to, such as a lack of “self-centeredness” and the difficulty in expressing their true feelings. Despite these obstacles, his deep passion and drive to achieve his goals exemplify the INFJ’s dedication to pursuing meaningful endeavors.

In conclusion, Skip and Loafer and Blue Period are not just captivating stories, but also insightful explorations of complex personalities, particularly those that resonate with INFJ traits. Through the experiences and emotions of characters like Sosuke Shima, Yuzuki Murashige, and Yatora Yaguchi, these manga offer a mirror into the nuanced inner world of INFJs. Whether you identify as an INFJ or are simply fascinated by deep, character-driven narratives, these works are sure to leave a lasting impression, inviting you to reflect on your own journey of self-discovery and connection with others.

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